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Re: [LUG] Petition against BBC iPlayer being Windows only


Martijn wrote:
> Auntie Beeb might give in and has a chat with her geeky nephews:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6897050.stm

The BBC story is rather disingenuous.

They complain they (the OSC) didn't speak to them during consultation. I
know some people during the consultation basically said "the BBC
shouldn't be favouring one manufacturer". So they can hardly say it
wasn't a feature of the consultation.

Free software DRM is a non-starter, if you have the source code, and the
ability to modify it for platform, then you have the ability to remove
the DRM features.

Without opening the source code, and the ability to modify it, they will
never support more than a handful of possible target platforms. The only
realistic option for broadly cross-platform DRM is to target a virtual
machine - like Java. They could cover nearly as many with something like
Flash (I'm sure the IPhone will get flash support eventually).

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