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[LUG] Samba is signing up for GPL v3


Just seen on The Register that Samba is signing up for GPL v3 (link  
here: http://www.regdeveloper.co.uk/2007/07/10/samba_signs_to_gplv3/)

It looks like anything from Samba 3.2.x onwards will be under GPL3.   
With Samba now being a pretty big part of linking Linux machines to  
Windows and vice versa, does this mean it's going to leave distros  
such as Novell SUSE out in the cold, or would they have to fork the  
Samba code from 3.0.x and maintain their own version of Samba?

Presumably Novell can't use anything licenced under GPL v3 for future  
distro releases because of their link with Microsoft? (or am I  
completely wrong here?).


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