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Re: [LUG] 2.5" TO 3.5" CONVERTS


Paul Sutton wrote:
> HI
> Just wondered if anyone had a spare 2.5" to 3.5  converter for 
> connecting laptop hdd's to a normal pc ide connector,  I want to see if 
> I can get a colleagues laptop hard drive connected to copy off any 
> data,  (suspected dying or dead hdd), 
> Thanks
> Paul
Can't say I have one myself although have you tried the System Rescue CD?

You can download it here: http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page

It supports all the usual main file systems and also reading NTFS 
partitions out of the box.  It worked wonders when trying to recover 
data off a faulty hard drive.

What I did was boot the laptop up from the System Rescue CD, connect to 
the network, mount a remote samba share on /mnt/smb and the faulty drive 
as /mnt/ntfs and then copy everything I could over (iirc the command I 
used was cp -R /mnt/ntfs/* /mnt/smb or something along those lines).

Oh, while I think about it too, they also have a PowerPC version on the 
site too although I haven't personally tried that as of yet.

Hope this helps.


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