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Re: [LUG] CMS recomendations


Hi Robin

On 11/06/07, Robin Cornelius <robin.cornelius@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> The site i have been playing with recently, i think could do with
> being moved to a CMS type system.
> I know this is a bit vague but any recommendations?, I want the site
> to look more or less as it does now and not have lots of special tabs
> and buttons to do loads of things that I have some times seen on CMS
> systems.
I'd go with Wordpress. Very easy to install. Hugely configurable with
templating simple.
> The other think that is very important is I currently have little php
> scripts that do things like display the next seminar or the next 5
> events. (Thanks guys for the help with the SQL with this). I presume i
> can create custom modules that can then be inserted with a special tag
> in to a page, is that how these things work.  Can i keep my existing
> databases etc?  I also have member only sections to the site with
> member only downloads of PDF's etc all of which is required.
Yes easily.
> I just want to end up with a system that is maintainable by someone
> who does not have to sit and code through php and html .
Glad to help if you need it.
Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.
Romans 12 v 1

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