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Re: [LUG] Easy Squid?


On 2007-06-01T20:53+0100 Simon Waters wrote:
> I think Smoothwall and IPCop both offer Dans-Guardian or similar.
> Might cost some cash somewhere in the process mind, but likely just to 
> be a point and click set-up.

I called up Smoothwall last week and their basic filtering appliance was
around the 3000GBP price point. That's without the DansGuardian

I've had a couple of people ask me to implement a pornography filter. I
was reluctant to install any service with Webconverger  and I think I've
pleased at least two customers by optionally including the 'ProCon'
firefox addon.


Anyway ProCon seems really silly. Of course I had to 'test' this addon
and I've now seen many 'interesting' pornographic sites that its simple
keyword search doesn't pick up on. :)

So your earlier suggestions of a bad url list sounds better, though I
wonder if this can work with a memory leak known as a firefox
addon/extension mechanism.

To counter this work on censorship, I've made a 'beta' version of
Webconverger which includes Tor. Especially useful for people going to
Beijing for the Olympics and who want to access BBC News et al. ;)

Best wishes from Millpool, Cornwall,

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