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[LUG] Hosworthy Memorial Hall


At first glance the subject would appear irrelevant, but read on.

Our Memorial Hall at Holsworthy has been refurbished and we are proud
of it. I went to the official opening day last Saturday. One of the
rooms has been set aside as a computer training room, so I had a chat
with the training manager, Geoff Matthews. Of course all the computers
there were set up with Vista. However I was surprised to find that
Geoff -

1. had heard about and was interested in Linux.

2. would be quite happy and willing to have Linux added to one of the
computers (to start with) but felt that he would need some assistance
in doing any training in Linux as he did not feel that he could do it

So I thought, here is a golden opportunity to spread the word. Is
anyone else in the area interested or could help, advise? I have used
Linux myself for about 6 years now, but no way does that make me an

I will be interested to hear any comments, suggestions etc.

Neil Winchurst

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