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[LUG] Was: Programs which start on login - more about learning to program


> It's actually a very bad way to test - it's long winded, it's prone to
> error and it means that 90% of the time, your website is just plain
> broken.
If your lucky you may find your distribution may support LAMP
(Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.) and it is rumoured that sometimes you can 
install them all in one go - this gives you an instant system.
I've never tried it but it sounds good - always had some part installed when I 
thought of it!
I've always found one of the most useful ways of learning how to program is to 
get in and do it an use a debugger.
Eclipse apparently has a PHP plugin that will allow you to write and a 
debugger to debug PHP pages - that means you can step through your source 
code and see whats happening to your web page as it builds. I've never got 
this working but I've heard it fits in well with the LAMP setup  and while 
its probably not an easy task for a beginner having used M$ setups that allow 
you to do just that I can assure you the effect on productivity (and 
learning) is MASSIVE.
If you can get some help to get that installed and working DO SO.
Failing that learn debugging techniques and unit testing!
Tom te tom te tom

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