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Re: [LUG] Linux in Schools a case Study


>     Mark
>     -I wish you luck with CCC.  My experience over 20 years is that
>     cornering an official who will subsequently get something done
>     takes many years,  Yes, I mean years.  It isn't that they say no,
>     instead discussions are endlessly talked around and/or postponed. 
>     Mind you, if they want you to do something, it's always very
>     urgent, yesterday being too slow.   Robin
I think a lot of this comes from the argument

MS is industry standard,  which of course is not even a good argument, 
especailly now that ODF is recognised by the ISO,  as an industry 
standard. (this needs pushing,  its a big weapon in the argument) 
however as everyone else uses it its considered industry standard,  what 
is therefore needed, is to give schools some ideas as to where Linux/oss 
is being used in the real world (pegeot for example) as well as many 
other areas,  that way,  when teaching Linux  and OSS as an alternative 
platform you have relevant and upto date resources regarding its use.

We are not going to change things over  night,  but if we can do things 
a little at a time, and get through directly to the young people in 
schools we may get somewhere,  as you may  find some use Linux and will 
be glad to help in some way.

I agree schools should be teaching IT and to me this means we have to 
teach how computers are used,  at present it seems very business 
orientated,  where as many young people may go into industries, where 
they are not required to use  office software  to produce accounts, or 
reports for business.


>     .
>     The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
>     http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list
>     FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html


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FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html