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Re: [LUG] Ubuntu and Dell is illegal in the US


> > talking about how Ubuntu is illegal in the US due to DMCA,
> Untrue. Ubuntu makes it possible for a user to install stuff that could
> be deemed illegal to copy or distribute in the US but a lot of those
> problems are untested in court and Ubuntu does warn the user.

I'm afraid I think you're wrong here - although I'm not certain! - the
DMCA as I understand it even prohibits providing information on ways
to circumvent copy protection, which is exactly what Ubuntu does.

> That's separate from the much-discussed issue here of whether Ubuntu
> should make this stuff so easy to obtain in the first place. It is a
> deliberate decision within Ubuntu to make it easy - some will say that
> Ubuntu may yet regret that policy.

Which is illegal in the US due to the DMCA...I think.


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