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Tom Brough wrote: > As a BBC Micro owner of past years I am feeling a little out numbered > after seeing the popularity of this thread ;-) > > Tom. > Well, I have an Electron. Okay, not as powerful as a BBC Micro. I did enjoy tinkering around with the BBC's at school though. It was around the time they introduced BBC Micros into my junior school that I started to learn a few commands in Basic. It was interesting to break into some of the educational software and LIST the code. Later on when I went onto Secondary School I was exposed to the awful RM Nimbus 186 machines. They had BBC Basic so a few friends and I decided to type in some programs from one of those fortnightly magazines, Micro I think it was. In fact doing all this at school inspired me to get into computers in a big way. I'd say there are two big influences in my life from that era, the IT technician at school (Teignmouth Community College) - Mr Francis Leishman who I've not seen for about 7 years and lost touch with. <long shot> If anyone on the list knows of a Francis Leishman who used to live in Ashcombe, nr Dawlish please e-mail me off list! :-) </long shot> I do occasionally fire up the old emulators (I'm told off when I get the computers out for too long). In fact I have even set the Spectrum emulator on my XBOX to load games at real tape speed (i.e. a couple of minutes) along with all the familiar noises. I wonder when we'll see a Debian port for the Z80 CPU? Rob -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html