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Re: [LUG] Custom dmrc entry?


On 2/27/07, Grant (DCGlug) <dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm currently setting up a "spare" computer as a "media centre"
> (God, I hate that term).  MythTV is in and seems to run quite nicely.
> GDM is now set to autologin the mythtv user.  However, it would seem to
> login to Gnome.  I have tried having a ~/.dmrc file that contains
> nothing but this:
>   exec mythfrontend
> however, it gets overwritten when GDM autologsin.  I have tried creating
> a ~/.xinitrc file, but it would seem that GDM doesn't use these.
> Does anyone know how I can get mythfrontend to start automagically *on
> it's own* (ie without having the whole of Gnome/KDE/whatever loaded
> alongside it) when GDM autologsin the mythtv user?

try using the ~/.xsession file to do what you want

I have used this to run qemu when i login as windows.

What ever program you run you want the command to block untill it
quits then run call exit and you are back at your login prompt.

Robin Cornelius

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