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Re: [LUG] Forcibly unmount network filesystems


Matt wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-12-22 at 14:15 +0000, Simon Williams wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> Yesterday I mounted one of my server's samba shares on my laptop using 
>> smb4k. Both run Linux if that makes any difference.
>> Later that evening I put my laptop to sleep (suspend-to-RAM). This 
>> morning the power went out, bringing my server down with it. When I 
>> later woke my laptop up, smb4k reported that the share had "gone 
>> offline", which was to be expected. However, it refused to unmount or 
>> remount the share. 'umount [share]' hangs, as does 'smbumount [share]'. 
>> smbumount does not appear to have a 'force' option, and complains if 
>> umount -f is used. lsof hangs for a while, before giving:
>> lsof: WARNING: can't stat() smbfs file system 
>> /home/zaneta/smb4k/PROXIMA/family
>>        Output information may be incomplete.
>> So how do I get rid of this stale mount?
>> I had a similar problem with NFS a while back.
>> This comes second on my list of major Linux usability problems- why oh 
>> why oh why can't I tell it to just disconnect a network filesystem 
>> without trying to contact the server about it?
>> Thanks
>> Simon
> I have had to resort to 
> umount -l /misbehaving/mountpoint
> in the past when -f wouldn't do it.
> man umount for details

AHA! When looking at -l in the umount man page I noticed the -i option, 
which tells it not to call the umount.smbfs helper. The helper doesn't 
recognise -f or -l or anything. Interestingly I didn't even need to use 
-f or -l, -i by itself fixed it.

Thanks a lot

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