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Re: [LUG] Novell "Forking" OpenOffice.org


Neil Williams wrote:

>Novell "Forking" OpenOffice.org
>Monday, December 04 2006 @ 01:09 PM EST
>Well, if there are any Novell supporters left, here's something else to
>put in your pipe and smoke it. Novell is forking OpenOffice.org.
>There will be a Novell edition of OpenOffice.org and it will support
>Microsoft OpenXML. (The default will be ODF, they claim, but note that
>the subheading mentions OpenXML instead.) I am guessing this will be
>the only OpenOffice.org covered by the "patent agreement" with
>Microsoft. You think?
>I think it's clear now what Microsoft gets out of this Novell deal --
>they get to persuade enterprise users to stay with Microsoft Office,
>because now they don't "need" to switch to Linux. And they don't need
>to leave Microsoft products to use ODF. So, while Novell may call this
>"Novell OpenOffice.org" I feel free to call it "Sellout Linux
>OpenOffice.org". Money can do strange things to people. And Microsoft
>knows it.
> In my eyes, Novell is forking itself out of the FOSS community. Here's
>the press release, to memorialize this day in FOSS history, and so you
>can reach your own conclusions.
>Update: A witty anonymous reader suggests this new name for Novell's
>edition of OpenOffice.org: PatentOffice.org.
>It remains to be seen if opensuse.org can be persuaded to distance
>themselves from their erstwhile sponsor and adopt a more free software
>Open Source is insufficient, only free software will do from now on.
>Microvell will see to that.
>This could be just what is needed to drive a wedge between "just open
>source" and free software.
>So please, everyone, reconsider the use of terms like "open source"
>because Novell and Microsoft are intent on proving that open source
>does not mean free.
>Neil Williams
I would hate to be the guy that has to sit at the Novell booth at the 
next GNU/Linux Trade Show .............

But its the Suse guys I feel sorry for, now mearly pawns in their 
"Masters" battles rather than "free" spirits, not that Suse was ever a 
particullarly "free" distro of GNU/Linux in any interpretation of the word.

What I cant understand is how the Novell guys lack the intellegence to 
see that Microsoft are manipulating them into kicking themselves 
(Novell) in the teeth and laughing about it behind their backs.

The layers of strata between proprietary, open source, and free software 
are now becoming polerized. It looks like Microsoft's game plan is to 
bring down the "open source"  community  using FUD / Novell and hope it 
brings  GNU /  FSF down with it .

All I can sing now is Freeeeeeeeeee......... GNU/Linux (to the tune of 
Free Nelson Mandella)


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