On 14/11/06, Neil Winchurst <neil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
A little while ago I moved over from Mandriva to Kubuntu Edgy. In many
ways kubuntu is very different from all the RedHat style distros I have
used before (Suse, Mandrake/Mandriva). Luckily I have had great support
from the user group, much appreciated.
Some of the defaults that surprised me include -
The numlock key was not turned on at log on. I had to find out how to
change this.
Yes, this is wierd. It's been like it forever, and I've never found out why...
The panel at the bottom of the screen could not be hidden, which is how
I normally work. It was easy to sort out, but I would have expected the
panel-hiding buttons to be there as the default.
This is presumably something relating to the Ubuntu people's drive for simplicity. Perhaps they thought that the panel-hiding buttons were something that people who wanted them would know how to get?
Once I learned about the repositories I found that I had to do some
work to include two of them. Again I would have expected all of them to
be available from installation.
The distro is designed to work only on a CD and to not present choices requiring an internet connection by default (ha!) Ergo, they don't enable universe by default. It's also not supported by Canonical, so they like to make you check a box saying "UNSUPPORTED, DAMMIT!!" in more words before you get at it.
Multiverse contains proprietary software which, as we all know, is constantly looking for a way into Stallman's house to stab him while he sleeps - and also doesn't work without an internet connection (see above) and they like to make sure you know it's proprietary and, more importantly, to make you choose to enable it.
There was not icon at all on the desktop. OK it was easy to add them
except that I have not yet found out how to include an icon for the
Home folder. All my previous distros have automatically included that.
Again, I presume this is due to Ubuntu's love of simplicity. I've never missed being forced to have a "My Computer" icon on my desktop, in my case.
My home folder was as expected but when I moved up to the root folder I
could not see any files at all. This was sorted out thanks to help from
the group, but not how I would have expected it to be from installation.
Kubuntu is evidently moving toward patronisation on the scale of Windows 98. Duh, what're all them thar files? Ah'll jus order em up, that's beddur...
I'm glad these are your only complaints. Other people do things like "sure, apt-get is great, but unless you've got portage on there you're still going to have to fetch dependencies yourself. or is there something like portage for debian?" or perhaps "if it doesn't let me nudge people on MSN, I'm not using it".
Ben Goodger
Mi admiras religiajn; ili estas fine ebliĝinta solvi la maljunegan demandon "kiel oni povas vivi sencerbe?".
It is well-known that I am blunt and unsophisticated. It's largely your fault if you object to this.