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Re: [LUG] java run time part 2


On Sunday 12 November 2006 15:59, Neil Winchurst wrote:

> Well I have finally sorted it out. I removed the two Sun packages and
> then as suggested by apt-get I ran autoremove. Then I configured dpkg
> again. I was then able to run the remaining upgrades. So I hope that is
> all OK now.
> By the way, can anyone explain to me how to install any of the Sun
> packages? They all seem to require acceptance of Sun's terms but there
> does not seem to be any way to do that. Neither using Adept nor using
> apt-get do I see any screen or message where I can accept the terms and
> so continue with the install. As a result, trying to install any of
> those packages results in a hung dpkg. I know how to sort that now. but
> that is not the point is it?
> Neil Winchurst

As you are not seeing the dialog box, it would appear that your setting is too 
high in relation to what sort of messages are displayed.
To fix it - 

sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf

Then scroll up to dialog if it isn't already selected, press enter then OK 
with the enter again. Then scroll down to medium and select it. The program 
will then exit.  Now, if you attempt to install java, the licence will be 
displayed as you have asked the console to display messages more readily :)


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