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Re: [LUG] Microsoft Partner Magazine - Go Green article...


yep i have a p3 900 laptop with 256 mb ram  runs KDE fine,  and allows 
use of open office,  thats should be part of an advocacy campaign people 
need to see things working,  and working well.

You forgot to mention of  course that Microsoft still boast having a 
lower TCO,  I am crap at maths and can't work this out,  cost of New 
computer + new operating system < than keep Old computer + install of 
free software.   Hmm  I wonder if they are using the old windows calc 
program.  Ok you need to take into account training staff and employing 
someone who can install / admin Linux,

= 0.00 or error forget which.


>Exactly, as linux distros can be tailored for the available processor
>power, you can have all the silly bells and whistles if you like or a
>very bare system. In fact a fully graphical system seems to require
>considerable less processor ommph.
>Lets also mention that many of these PCs are being sent to 3rd world
>counties and loaded with linux like the Camroon project that is
>mentioned from time to time on the list.
>>How I see it, if Microsoft was so fussed about saving energy, why did 
>>they go down the usual route with the XBOX 360, triple core CPU's, and a 
>>hefty graphics chipset rather than doing what Nintendo did - shrinking 
>>the component sizes in the Wii and making it ultra economical?
>Are any US companies, or even western companies at all interested in the
>environment anyway?
>>Good old Microsoft, always able to spin things their way.
>I only wish we had 1% of the ability of Microsoft marketing division, i
>would be rich by now :-(

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