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Re: [LUG] Mail questions


Jonathan Roberts wrote:
> Everyone who's said that they can do that with their e-mail which is
> at home, even with ssh does your computer not have to be running all
> the time?! I know from the software point of view this is not an issue
> but from the point of view of electricity cost it's a problem! (Not to
> mention the questionable effect on the environment)
I have a server running at home which acts as a file and mail server.  I 
can access my mail from home or from anywhere with an internet 
connection by using the built-in web mail.  I also have the benefit of 
being able to keep any files I may need/want on a central location 
rather than spread around 4 or more PCs around the house.  It also means 
that if a PC goes down (say hardware failure which can and does happen) 
I can still get to the information I need in a hurry.

Yes it does use electricity but with the advances in low power hardware 
it isn't too bad.  It's not as if I'm running a server farm from home.

Of course some people wouldn't see the benefit of having a server, but 
there are some of us who find it handy.


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