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Re: [LUG] Distros??


Neil Winchurst wrote:
> There has been some discussion about which distro to recommend for
> people new to Linux. So far the main contender seems to be Ubuntu. So I
> have two questions.
> 1 Why not mention kubuntu as well, or are most people on the lug
> devotees of Gnome?
> 2 Does anyone know which is the most used distro among lug members? Or
> is that information not available?
> Just wondering
> Neil Winchurst

I tend to bunch all the _ubuntu distros under the same umbrella.  I 
wouldn't make a specific point of mentioning "Debian Sid" or "Debian 
Etch" unless troubleshooting... to me, they're just "Debian".  Same with 
Ubuntus... Ubuntu, KUbuntu, XUbuntu, EdUbuntu, etc, etc... they're all 
"Ubuntus" to me.

On a *personal* level, I'm not a fan of Ubuntu.  I came from using 
Mandrake through to Slackware and now Debian, having tried damn near 
everything inbetween.  I think Ubuntu is a nice starting ground, just as 
I used to think Mandrake was a nice starting ground.

To my mind, you should continually re-evaluate whether what you're using 
is giving you what you want.  Distros evolve, and so does a user's 
requirements and knowledge.  As your experience and knowledge grows, you 
may find that your current distro isn't giving you the room and 
flexibility you need... so you have the option of changing.

And that is but one of Free Software's advantages... it isn't a "one 
size fits all" approach.

Erm... so, anyway... I use Debian.  Stable on my servers, Testing on the 
laptop and Unstable on the desktop machine (which is currently a little 
unhealthy... so I mainly work on the laptop).


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