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[LUG] Slowing down


Recently I have started writing some blogs, having set up a personal
web-site. I am having problems sometimes when I try to update the blog
as I am typing in more information.

I write a bit and then 'Save and continue editing' while I think about
what I am going to type next. To play safe I do this about every
two or three sentences. Every now and again, instead of saving to the
web-site and then returning for me to continue everything waits with the

Loading www.domain.com...

and sits there as if the site has suddenly become too busy. If I wait
long enough it times out. If I get impatient I can click on Stop and go
to my home page and use the browser for a while completely normally. I
then go back to my blog and find that the last bit I had typed in has
not been saved. So I type it in again and this time it all works.

I am finding that this happens about every 3 or 4 saves. I am at a loss
to know where to look for the problem. I could understand it better if
the browser locked up completely, but only the access to the new web
site seems to be affected.

I am using Mandriva2006 and the blog is WordPress.

Can anyone come up with any ideas on this?

Neil Winchurst

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