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Re: [LUG] Linux in schools


On Sat, 2006-10-14 at 19:00 +0100, Rob Beard wrote:

Well we've had numerous discussions on what would be the ideal solution 
for schools.
Maybe even a start would be to go into the costs of Linux verses Windows 
Costs would be one area.
Another would be the "Industry Standard" argument which is simple to rebut.
Another would be the wonderful range of educational software.
The most difficult would be training plus availability of those in this group (and outside of it - local) to act as advisors in the early stages. But if the CCs were persuaded, it should be plain sailing - once a couple of schools agreed to act as pilots (and they may already be out there from the little I have read here) CCs would take a strong lead. Innovation spread often comes by the grapevine and people wondering how it works "over the fence".
XP & Microsoft Office.  There's bound to be some schools that haven't 
got the money to spend on brand new PCs.  Putting a Linux option to them 
- say a LTSP server and the PCs as LTSP clients could be a possible 
option.  For the applications they need Windows for (i.e. applications 
that don't run under Wine and don't have any Linux equivalent)
I doubt there are many, but teachers would know what they wanted and anyone advising would know what is available and what is not.
 an option 
could be a small server running Windows 2003 and have the LTSP clients 
connect into the server using Remote Desktop (which is also supported as 
well as the X client/server).
james kilty http://www.kilty.demon.co.uk/
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