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[LUG] Expenses records


Addresses have vcard, ToDo lists have vTodo, Appointments have vCalendar (amongst others).

What could be conceived as a "standard format for expenses"?

Basically, needs to include:
1. Amount (a simple number, independent of currency)
2. Currency (standardised ID that references a fixed table of symbols, fractions, mnemonics, formatting and currency code suitable for retrieval of currency conversion rates).
3. Date (timestamp)
4. form of payment (visa, prepaid, cash, etc.)
5. Vendor (string)
6. City/Location (string)
7. Note (long string)
8. Mileage unit (because lots of expenses are actually mileage claims)
9. Category ("Business", "Personal", "Family" etc.)

Currently, I use XML.


Neil Williams

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