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Re: [LUG] Debian portage


Neil Williams wrote:
> In the specific case of firefox, wouldn't such a toolchain also require
> all extensions and possibly themes used by that firefox to be rebuilt in
> the same toolchain - as most of these aren't Debian packages (or the
> current Debian package is behind the mozilla.org version), that's going
> to be a different toolchain?
> Just curious.

Not necessarily all extensions -- but there have been Debian upgrades in
unstable where the versions used to build firefox were inconsistent with
some packaged extensions -- but that is my fault for living in
"unstable". In the particular case I stumbled over it was glibc versions
that was the issue I think.

I don't know about themes. But if you made me guess, they mostly seem to
be icons, and colouring instructions, so they'd probably work, or at
least degrade gracefully, in such circumstances.

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