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On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 12:42 +0100, Ben Goodger wrote: > > > I plan to get my new computer from them tomorrow, yay. I 35% discount?? Hmmm. Methinks I need to see what they are offering then. What time does it start on the 19th (tomorrow)? I've been mooching about looking for a laptop - primarily to escape the study and being tied to a desk, so I can moodle about downstairs or in the garden whilst stopping the preschoolers murdering each other etc. Dell are offering me a good discount on a 6400 with upgraded graphics, disk and ram, probably not going to push them harder down their discount ladder methinks. But not totally convinced by reviews of 6400 - keyboard sogginess is mentioned in a couple, and I'm a v. fast 100wpm touchtypist so thats important issue, as is screen quality for not so good anymore eyesight (age is a terrible thing and some seem to last the course better than others, suspect I'm going to be one of the also rans...). Given what ebuyer will have on offer, what would people plunk for a couple of laptops? Something a bit pokier with core duo for me (image editing etc.) and something more modest for her and the kids - lighter for real laptopping, decent performance for web browsing, email and net radio listening, document editing professionally for her. Ta all. > -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html