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On 18/07/06 14:18:07, Keith Abraham wrote: > Tom Potts wrote:> Ben Goodger wrote:>> On 18/07/06, *Aaron Trevena* > <aaron.trevena@xxxxxxxxx >> <mailto:aaron.trevena@xxxxxxxxx>> > wrote:>>>> On 18/07/06, Ben Goodger <goodgerster@xxxxxxxxx>> > <mailto:goodgerster@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:>> > On 18/07/06, Aaron > Trevena <aaron.trevena@xxxxxxxxx>> > <mailto:aaron.trevena@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:>> > Is it an actual > incompatibility with browsers, or does it just>> block IE>> > > based on the user agent?>>>> Both.>>>> It blocks you from > booking unless you use IE, and there are warnings>> on other > pages > about menu's not working properly unless you use IE.>>>> > Idiots.>>>>>> Why not rally LUGs country-wide to write to them? I'll > compose a >> letter if you like. Or perhaps a petition?>> This breaks > accessibility laws and discriminates against those with a >> choice > to > use non-crap. Or perhaps it prevents choice by forcing us to >> use > crap. Over to you on this, Neil W :)>>>> -- >> Ben Goodger>> > #391382>> > --------------------->>>> Mi admiras religiajn; ili estas fine > ebliĝinta solvi la maljunegan >> demandon "kiel oni povas vivi > sencerbe?". > Does anyone know a link - that way I can use FF to > browse it and at > least give them an entry in their log.> > > 30 > secs > googling took me here (with Firefox). > https://www.healthspace.nhs.uk/chooseandbook/ > Keith > > Will that is pretty hard to read... -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html