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Re: [LUG] hsbc corporate banking


On Tuesday 11 July 2006 16:48, Henry Bremridge wrote:
> "Welcome to your HSBCnet Security
> Device – it is used to authenticate your identity when you log on to
> HSBCnet. It works by generating a security code unique to your account that
> HSBCnet can recognise. This code can only be used to access the site once
> and the Security Device will calculate a new security code the next time
> you log on. For this reason, this code is sometimes referred to as a
> one-time-password. This security code also has an expiry period and will
> only be valid for a set period of time before a new code has to be
> generated using the Security Device.

our business HSBCNet access device is a secure id token clone, not "smartcard" 
you are thiking of.  our business banking works just fine with the token + 
firefox + client certificate.

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