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On 19/06/06, Aaron Trevena <aaron.trevena@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On 19/06/06, mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > >> Generally yes, I prefer working with Postgres, the syntax is simpler, > > >> and it tends to "do the right thing" by default. The only exception > > >> being the default security settings (which the Debian packagers sort > > >> when they create their package). > > > > > > As much as I use postgres for serious projects, I'd guess that you'd > > > find MySQL better suited to your needs -- Postgres still offers a few > > > "proper RDBMS system" features that MySQL doesn't but I don't think > > > you will need them. > > > > Outer Joins? - even Access has these. > > Um.. I've never had a problem with any Join in MySQL - but then I've > been using 4.x, I think a lot of FUD from postgres users is way out of > date from early 3.x mysql releases. > > > > > > > Also MySQL is far more user friendly and more likely to DWIM whereas > > > Postgres sticks very strictly to DTRT often making things harder than > > > they need to be. > > > > How? > > autoincrements that just work without mucking about with sequences, > boolean is cast to integer automatically, what!!! you can specify a default at > the same time as a new field, you can just log in to the RDBMS without > having to specify a database to connect to, why would you want to? you can replicate without > add-ons, fulltext searching just works, you don't have to drop tables > to drop columns (finally fixed in 8.1 which isn't included in many > distro's yet), never have had to - you used to have to drop table to CHANGE column you don't have to run command line scripts before you > can use it, you don't have to fuck about with configuration files to > provide remote access as it has a simple single command to manage > access, the list goes on and on and on. > manage access - edit one file > Oracle > > > > > > > Postgres is also harder to administer and maintain and requires > > > add-ons to provide important stuff like replication, full text > > > searching, etc. > > > > please see http://sql-info.de/mysql/gotchas.html for examples of where > > MySQL does the "WRONG" thing without informing the user. > > A quick look at the first gotcha shows that MySQL DWIM intead of the > pedantic unhelpfulness that you get with Postgres.. I also note that > http://sql-info.de/postgresql/postgres-gotchas.html is a bit on the > short side - I found a lot more gotcha's for postgres than that in a > week of porting my scheduler to it. > > And this doesn't address the fact that Postgres is hardly 'enterprise' > when it doesn't provide a decent replication system. > > > Can you please give examples of how pg is harder to maintain. > > Let me see... > * Vacuum your db's or your data will be corrupted, and when vacuuming > expect your db server to crawl > * 10 minutes of faffing about after installing before you can log into > the bloody db see above > * seperate remote access control in hba_conf that requires restarting > the database to update access control > * DDL implementation is considerably less helpful and simple than > mysql or sql server - with plenty of annoyances like not being able to > specify the default value for a new field when updating a table, etc > * It's easy to screw up the database template when feeding sql to the > db from the command line so that a schema is created in the template > and hence any new database rather than the database you wanted to use. > > > > > > > The MySQL Query Browser and Admin tools (available from the mysql > > > website) not only look good but give anything but Toad/Tora a good > > > kicking - postgres has nothing close to them. > > > > > off the top my head pgaccess/pgadmin/Base do anything I would want from a GUI > > That's nice for you. I found them (when using them on somebody elses > machine because none would install on fedora) slow, ugly and lacking > features. > > If you've used mysql, sql server or Toad/Tora then the postgres gui's > are like a step back 10 years or more. > > A. > > -- > The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG > http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list > FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html > -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html