What do we think of that ?
I don't use Vi, Emacs or anything else because, true, I'm lazy, I cannot be arsed to learn the convoluted shortcuts for these programs. Gedit or Bluefish do fine for me at the moment, because they approximate to something I'm used to (HTML-Kit.) However, I learned LaTeX. I'm still learning LaTeX. I'm learning Lilypond. I'm writing a learn-python-as-you-write-it type EPOS program at the moment. I'm glad of the fact that I'm learning these - they are great, and LaTeX/Lilypond mean less mouse work. These programs and file formats are worth what's needed to learn them, even if So the article's sub-point is true: Linux doesn't need to be intuitive so long as people are willing to learn it. (The article's main point is true, without saying: if people think we deliberately want to emulate Windows beyond projects like XPDE they've got another think coming.)