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Re: [LUG] Freeview cards & Linux


Quoting Rob Beard <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Quoting "James Hallam (DarkCow)" <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I have a fairly decent channels.conf at http://jameshallam.info/files/stuff/channels.conf There are a few encrypted channels in there, but on the whole, it seems to be good. I used the Crystal Palace information to generate it, which appears to work okay.

Here's the single line in my Crystal Palace tuning file:
T 505833333 8MHz 3/4 NONE QAM16 2k 1/32 NONE

With that, I just ran "dvbscan ./CrystalPalace > channels.conf", and

I tried using those settings but it couldn't find any channels. It reports tuning failed!

I tweaked the file a bit to the following settings:

T 721833330 8MHz 3/4 NONE QAM16 2k 1/32 NONE

Now using these settings it seems to find some of the BBC channels but not any other channels.

This has got me thinking... if I put in the frequency above, does it just search that frequency and not the other frequencies?


Well I have got the BBC channels tuning in which is a start. For some perculiar reason I don't get any sound through Totem though. The picture quality is AMAZING! Much better than our Freeview box!

For a test, I recorded some video from a film which was on BBC 1 (starring Bill Murray and the actor who plays Minty in Eastenders).

I FTP'd the video over to my XBOX to give it a try. The video works a treat, no modification needed, it just worked!

I'll do some more playing around with this tomorrow. I'm guessing with setting the rest of the channels up, it'll be a case of trial and error until I get it right.

Okay, it may not have been as easy to setup as the Windows Media PC a guy at work bought for himself, but it was cheaper, and it's all Open Source too. Kinda gives me a warm feeling when it works. :)


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