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Hi folks,
I thought you'd all find this one amusing...
I went to the Computer Trade Show at the Birmingham NEC today.
Microsoft were holding a big event at the Motor Cycle museum which
happened to be across the road from the NEC, although I didn't register
for that one (didn't realise how close it was).
Anyway, at the CTS, they had a small ish (for Microsoft compared to
previous years) stand which they were holding demos of Vista & the new
Office (2007?).
At first the MS guy asked everyone to hold their hands up who is using
Office. I was the ONLY one who didn't put my hand up. Unfortanately I
didn't get to mention I use OOo on Linux. Anyway, they started
demonstrating the new features of Vista. I must admit, I was impressed
with the desktop search but I'm guessing Beagle does the same thing.
They also demonstrated the anti-phishing features of IE7. I did like
the popup that came up saying that the site could possibly be a phishing
site. I did notice that some sites, including ones with unsigned
certificates came up with a page asking if the user would like to
continue. The MS guy suggested that the users wouldn't probably click
the continue button which had a big red X next to it. I started to
think... hmm, what if MS accidently marked certain web sites (I'm
thinking Google, anything Linux related).
Another feature which they had was parental controls. Things like this
(and things which require admin rights) require the user to confirm that
they want to what they selected. It didn't ask for a password though.
Hmm, I can see click happy users just clicking ok after the first few
times they see that screen.
What I did find amusing through all the demonstrations was Windows
Explorer crashing. Okay, yeah it was a Beta version of Vista (Beta 2)
which they said they'd just got on Monday, but it was funny all the same.
I can't say the CTS show was very exciting all in all. I didn't see
ANYTHING Linux related, well not in a big way. No Redhat, no
Novell/Suse, no IBM. Everything was Windows, Windows, Windows!
Anyway, I thought you guys would have found it funny about Vista. Oh,
from what I saw, it's got a lot of eye candy, but not much more than XP.
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