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Re: [LUG] Another Quick ISP thing


Kevin Tunison wrote:

Is anybody on this deal yet?
I was just looking at talk talk today regarding their "free" broadband deal. As of today, the website quoted getting me up the first week of August (yikes!). I wonder how the contention ratio is going to hold up with the deluge of customers (50:1 as most). I have onetel for another couple months on a £30 monthly package. I wish there was no traffic limit, and the "fair usage" policy is too ambiguous for my liking. http://www.talktalk.co.uk/talktalk/servlet/gben-server-PageServer?ARTICLE=MAIN.UK.TALKTALK.STATIC.HELP.BBHELP.BBFAQ#faqfair <http://www.talktalk.co.uk/talktalk/servlet/gben-server-PageServer?ARTICLE=MAIN.UK.TALKTALK.STATIC.HELP.BBHELP.BBFAQ#faqfair> At least they /plan/ to lose money on their broadband business for the next four years. http://www.cpwplc.com/cpw/media/press/2006/2006-04-11b So having the plug pulled on the offer doesn't seem likely. You get what you pay for. Kevin

On 5/5/06, *Tom Arrow* <bomarrow1@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:bomarrow1@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Sorry for lack of communication but I'm internetless. Just thought
    I would warn others of a similar pit fall. About a month ago I
    tried to sign up to talk talk and ever since it has been a very
    long saga. I have been given many different dates from when it
    will be set up but none have come through. I guess that until the
    initial rush is over with it is very hit and miss. Any way this
    comes from school using doze (before anyone asks how I sent this).
    So my advice is not to try and sign up with them as it will take a
    very long time and probably come to nothing. At this rate I will
    sign up with someone else with out a contract and join when they
    are ready. (8mbps is good even if you have to wait.)

-- Tom (the younger)

My dad has signed up for their "free, but you have to pay £10 a month extra until about 2030 when we get round to putting kit in your exchange" broadband. He was told he'd have to wait until June/July to get it installed!

I didn't mention the fact he could have gone to an ISP on a 30 day contract which is cheaper, has same sort of download limits and will install a darn sight quicker than June/July.

I'm starting to get the feeling it wasn't so well thought out.


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