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[LUG] Realplayer summary


Realplayer is working perfectly for me now on my home system with
Firefox. I gave up with Helix player for the minute. So this is a
summary of the install.

Download www.real.com/linux/

Its binary only so thats i386 compatability only. (Where as helix is
opensource and so can be rebuilt for other ARCH's)

firstly download the RealPlayer10Gold.bin file

chmod +x RealPlayer10Gold.bin

Ensure firefox and/or mozilla is installed before running the realplayer

and run


For system wide install at the options set the folder to
/usr/local/RealPlayer or whatever you want.

edit /etc/profile and add to the PATH line real players path (example
taken from my system)


logout and back in, jobs done.

In firefox go to the following URL


and check for "Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible"

The go to bbc.co.uk/news and watch the video news :-)


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