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Re: [LUG] Networking


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Neil Williams wrote:
| That will need to be replaced if you want more than 2 computers on the
| network. Buy a network hub (v.cheap) or switch (better) and some ordinary
| Cat5 patch cable.

I think sound advice - hardware router/switch/firewall combinations are
now dirt cheap and will eat less electricity, unless you plan to leave
the Linux box on all the time anyway.

| Have you set up any IP addresses?

If he can see one from other he probably has.

| Remember that Windows is brain dead with networking. There's a message
in the
| old, old archive that relates to this and it still isn't fixed.

The moral - don't use Windows ICS. If you have to plug a box in to face
the Internet use a GNU/Linux one. SUSE will happy either route or NAT
connections as required, and nothing will care what is booted first.

|>I assume there is something I
|>need to do to the windows box,  (I have set up shares on home folders.
|>any one offer advice?

Check it all carefully (did you check firewall logs on the PC?).

Also try and mount the resources using smbmount even if you can't browse
them, as gettting browsing right is fiddlier than just setting up the
shares, and if it works generally you don't care about browsing anyway.

| Probably not worth it. You want a hub/switch/router that you can use
when any
| of the other machines are off. Using a whole machine as a router
involves a
| network card for each connection and a separate piece of hardware will
do it
| all so easily.

On the other hand new network cards are about 7GBP these days, and it
isn't exactly hard to beg one if 7GBP is out of budget.
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