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[LUG] OT - presenting a cv and portfolio of qualifications and work etc
- To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [LUG] OT - presenting a cv and portfolio of qualifications and work etc
- From: Paul Sutton <zen14920@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 21:55:23 +0100
I know this is slightly off topic but I would guess that someone here
has used their technical expertise to do something similar.
I have a A4 folder with all my certificates in, from GCSE through to any
recent ones I have gained.
I am in the process of scanning these in with the view to creating some
sort of multi media, cdrom to demonstrate my skills etc, that employers
can look at, this will have the scans of these certificates on the cd
along with other items such as photos, web links etc.
The idea is really so I can either send a portfolio to potential
employers or produce this as evidence that I have the qualifications
that I have put on my cv, it also brings this portfolio into the 21st
So far the average A4 scan size is roughly 2mb, so I can fit quite a few
on to 1 cdrom, (or get hold of smaller 8cm cd-r or similar and do it
that way.
I was thinking of perhaps HYML, with a set of directories in the root
directory, and then a single html file in there that links everything
My camera can produce short videos, and I can put a collection of photos
to demonstrate that I can use a camera, Perhaps take a few shots of me
coaching rugby or generally working with children ( I am aware of the
issues surrounding this and will take these in to account.
I thought by doing this it would look more impressive than taking along
a folder, and I can then leave this with anyone at interview (if they
want a copy) so they can browse through later,
Has anyone here produced anything similar.? How popular is this?
thanks for any help
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