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Re: [LUG] how to use perl DBI?


dave morgan <morgad@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

Thanks to Simon's hint I got trafstats running in the end,
but it is total overkill for what I need. So I thought I would
write my 2nd ever Perl Script. (machine is running Debian/Stable)
my $user = "david";
my $mydb = "ntp-stats";
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:$mydb", $user, undef);


but all I get is -
DBI->connect(ntp-stats) failed: missing "=" after "ntp-stats" in
connection info string at ./test4.pl line 8
Can't call method "disconnect" on an undefined value at ./test4.pl
line 10.
You are using the wrong syntax, the perl DBI interface for Postgres
is subtly different from the MySQL interface.

Instead use: -

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:pg:dbname=$mydb", $user, undef) or 
 die("Can't open db connection:$!\n");

how do you connect to a Postgresql database?
perldoc DBD::Pg (or indeed any other perldoc page) is your friend ;)

James                                   jamesk[at]homeric[dot]co[dot]uk

'First things first -- but not necessarily in that order' -- Dr Who

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