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Re: [LUG] Re: Perl


On Tuesday 22 March 2005 8:12 am, Steve Marvell wrote:
Anton Channing wrote:
I am interested in learning Perl in order to add it
to my cv.
Is that all?
Anton, you won't learn much useful Perl without a goal or target. You need to 
have something to write, test and implement. THEN you get an understanding of 
Perl. In fact, to get it to the point where the learned skills are good 
enough to put on a CV, I'd do a series of projects - starting with small but 
then including lots of CGI, lots of modules, some language bindings and quite 
a bit else. Perl is not a small language - once you add in the various 
implementations, IMHO it is more the size of C than PHP. 

I know a bit of Perl, I'm comfortable using it in various projects and it's a 
key part of one of my own projects. However, I would not consider my (8) 
years of Perl as extensive or even representative of what Perl can actually 
do. I wouldn't put it on my CV.


Neil Williams

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