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Re: [LUG] Linux & AMD 64


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Steve Ellis wrote:
| I have been trying to install Linux on my AMD64 PC for a few weeks now
| & not have been very successful. I have been trying the 64 & 32 Bit
| versions.
| I was wondering if others were having similar issues with AMD64's & Linux
| I have tried several different distros & none of them can seem to
| manage a basic install with out crashing at some point, the most
| progress so far has been with Ubunto which will install but then fails
| to boot at all. The only version that does work is Knoppix Bootable CD
| (which as I understand it, there is not installer for this one) this
| one works perfectly.
| Spec
| AMD 3200
| Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9
| MSI 6600GT PCI Express Graphics Card
| 1 GB Ram
| 40GB Sata Drive

Just wondering if you tried Gentoo 64bit ?
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