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Re: [LUG] Superfluity of Information


On Sunday 12 December 2004 8:56 pm, Mervyn Mitchell wrote:
Please can some one tell me how to select what I want to read from your
highly infomative "list"before I download.
Not as such. The list isn't high volume by usual GNU/Linux standards but it 
cannot know what you want to read in advance of sending out the message.

Do you have a system where I can NOT download the dross and only select
the gold i.e. the stuff that I am interested in.
But then that differs for everyone - you'd have to create the filters yourself 
as no-one else is going to be able to decide what it is you are looking to 
read. By definition, those filters need to be written AFTER all the messages 
have been downloaded. Perhaps you need a faster connection?

At present I am getting everything and it is not a good thing - perhaps
I am expecting too much
Mailing lists, by definition, are bulk objects - any filtering has to be done 
at the client end.

Maybe the contributors could be a little more informative about the
contents of their pearls of wisdom -e.g 15 messages all with the Subject
" Re:[LUG] Yahoo Messanger on Mandrake 10"  - this does not give me
enough info to decide whether I really want to start reading or just use
the Junk Button to clear my In box.
But each message was about Yahoo Messenger on Mdk10. That's the pattern - OK 
subject lines do tend to stick even when the content has moved on but you 
need an email client with threading enabled.

Mozilla will do that, are you using threaded message folder listings?

Then just browse the first message and decide.

To clear your inbox, use sub folders. Create a new folder and a filter in 
Mozilla to send dclug emails to that folder. Then you can discriminate 
between list stuff and personal stuff.

Filtering like this is a basic part of life on mailing lists and you'll need 
to do the same for any other lists you join. One list, one folder, one type 
of correspondence / group of contacts -> on folder.

I might be missing the answer to how to use Linux but I only have so
many days to live
You will miss out on a lot of the benefits of the group if you skip too many 


Neil Williams

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