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Re: [LUG] Farseer enterprises - continued


On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 17:25:20 +0000
Philip McGaw <skippy@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

<<Does a plain vanilla (ie non-configured) Win2k3 server do anything
useful straight away>>

add a few useres, share a few samba folders, and off we go,

if i want it to be a domain, DHCP, IIS (why??), ect server, click, and
off we go.....
You forgot to mention the reboots.  In my very humble opinion, rebooting a server 
should be unnecessary.  As I've said before, with a workstation it is perhaps not 
such a problem, but servers should not require rebooting for something as simple as 
installing a new service.

<<If you prefer to have a system that is a potential nightmare to
bring back to life after a clitch, then go Win2k3!>>

bringing the thing back to life has never been a real hassel, i dont
ask it to do much, therefor kicking it back to lif generaly means
insterting the windows cd, and going to the restore prompt
One of the machines on my "Managing + Maintaining Win2k3 (MOC 2273a)" courses, we 
had just converted all the harddrives to "dynamic disks".  One machine failed to 
reload the OS.  Inserting the Windows CD and going to the restore prompt did 
*nothing*.  It could not even *find* the system to fix it, let alone boot it.  We 
tried with a boot floppy as well, to no avail.  The system was "gone" and it would 
appear that the only course of action would have to be either reinstall the system, 
or try reinstating the system from a backup.  You know what the problem was?  
Knoppix found the system instantly and could read all the files on it.  You know 
what the problem was?  hda1 did not have the boot flag set.  Had this been a 
for-real environment, and the administrator did not have something such as Knoppix 
around, this server would have been out for a while.

Simple error.  Big problem for Windows 2003.

<<and you prefer that said system should use resources to provide an
GUI interface when it's never used, then go Win2k3!>>

its atached to a TV as a Vidio Player, the GUI is required,
You have Win2k3 used as a Video Player through the TV?  Your pockets must be deep 
for that.

Shall we agree to disagree?

Artificial intelligence is no match for nuratal stidutipy.

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