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Hi everyone,Jon,
Annoying question time.
I'm trying to get my head around how to get MS word to open OpenOffice xml files.
I can open word xml files in OO but it seems not the other way around.
This strikes me as strange - don't know why when MS are involved I should be used to it by now :)
I thought that if an xml document was correctly formed then anything that can open xml documents could open it and work on it - please correct me if I'm wrong here.
My guess is that regardless of all the marketing crap I've read about MS and xml, that word can't actually open/import xml documents correctly.
Could someone kindly put me out of my misery here. Can word work with xml documents or not ?
As you may have gathered using MS word isn't exactly one of my strong points :) but I need to be able to have some of my documents editable by word users and I thought that since xml was xml then they'd have no problems. Okay so they have to uncompress my OO files to get at the xml but that's no biggy - or so I thought.
I'm hoping that there's an xml guru here abouts that can explain this to me.
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