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At work I use Mandrake 10.1 on an Athlon 1.4GHz based system and occasionally windows XP & 2K. At home I again use Mandrake 10.1 but also the AgnULA Debian based distribution (they also distribute a version based on Redhat). This provides a whole suite of audio and music software. It ships with an older 2.4 kernel patched to improve system performance so as to avoid audio dropouts. (Interestingly this project was funded by the EEC - see "http://www.agnula.org/"; On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 09:16:15AM +0000, Alex Charrett wrote:
Quoting Simon Waters:What is/was your work desktop?OOh let me see, quite a mixed bag in my work machines. Started with a bog standard NT4 machine, putty enabled me to do everything I needed and I had to use Outlook etc for work so I didn't have much choice. Next job I had a Sun Ultra 1 running Red Hat 6.2 sparc edition with WindowMaker, and a Windows 98 machine purley for running the helpdesk system. Come to think of it I think this was a dual boot with Solaris 8 but I hardly ever used that. Then I had a Sun Ultra 5 running Solaris 8 and Ximian Gnome, which worked very well. I'm not a great fan of CDE :). Then I had a short term contract where the machine was running Windows 98 and I didn't really have the time/inclination to do much about it. And now I've got a dual boot Windows 2000 / Fedora Core 2 laptop. Win2k gets used the most in the office just because of the company MS Exchange system. Out of the office it runs FC2 almost all the time :). -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.
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