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Re: [LUG] Farseer enterprises


On Thursday 02 December 2004 21:03, Simon Waters wrote:

UserLinux fits the bill here - okay early days, but it is basically
about agreeing to a small maintainable set of apps. Doesn't stop you
varying one or two for a client, but about making a business model
for Debian support that multiple companies agree on.
of course.  Good.

Interestingly I've been pondering hardware issues for UserLinux, one
idea I had for small computer shops, is that we should produce a
"clone" specification. i.e. This case, powersupply, motherboard,
graphics card, must have these interfaces, this much memory, these
CPUs, so that small PC vendors could build a box to some sort of
agreed hardware standard, and share expertise (or costs) in
configuring and preparing drivers etc.
Very good idea.

The UserLinux goal is to offer "Certification" for hardware, but
smaller vendors can't afford that for a clone, but a basic plan for
a UserLinux "compatible" box would be fine, and would mirror the
software model well.
I might buy a share of that.
Dr Adrian Midgley          GP  Exeter              www.defoam.net
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