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Grant Sewell wrote: | | My experience of Linspire has tainted my views on it as a viable | Linux option, I'm affraid. | | If the person installing Linux onto these machines is familiar | with Linux, and Debian in particular, then I am sure that | Linspire would make a perfectly good choice *after* it had been | locked down somewhat.
The "locked down somewhat" has me worried, is it as open as people suggest?
| This "Click n Run" thing sounds like a | very nice touch, until you realise that you're paying a | subscription fee in order to download mainly software that is | GPLed anyway.
Charging for GPL'ed software is fine, if the service is good, the FSF charge for nicely packaged binaries I believe.
| and getting their users to pay a subscription for using | Linspire's servers as their apt repository.
Have you pondered how the current Debian repositories are funded? Sure copying files is cheap in this era, copying 100's GB a month however....
If Debian becomes more successful I think it would be appropriate (necessary) to migrate to peer to peer style distribution technologies. "Debian over freenet" or similar.
| I have used Debian based distros only recently, and I have to | admit that the whole apt thing is fantastic. I probably would | recommend Debian itself for new users, but there is a wealth of | Debian-based distros around. Xandros seems particularly aimed at | people used to Windows environments. I am also hearing great | things about Ubuntu.
The Ubuntu people have been doing good work, which is feeding into Debian, and I wish them well. Although I fear there is a loss of market from Debian because of the issues with the Debian release process. That said with GNOME 2.8 going into Sarge, I don't think Ubuntu will really be that different for long - it is really the next Debian release a few months early, for less platforms, and presumably with more bugs unless the Ubuntu hackers are very industrious (I hear they are good, but BTS has plenty of content). -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Comment: Using GnuPG with Debian - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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