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Re: [LUG] GLUG - free and non-free

On Tuesday 12 October 2004 7:08 pm, Alex Charrett wrote:
In order to produce that code you've had 
to make a decision to do that over, say (for a random example), having a
bath.  Therefore the cost to you of writing that piece of code is not
having a bath.
The distinction here is that your logic assumes that only one task can be done 
at a time. I don't have an off-switch for all this code - it just keeps on 
popping up. If I was in the bath or at work - anywhere at all - I get ideas 
and I formulate the code. It doesn't stop just because I'm doing something 

You can't disagree with basic economic principles by 
shouting wrong at people.
OK, my message perhaps got misinterpreted, it was more in kind of incredulity 
and humour. I wasn't meaning to shout anyone down.

However, the economic argument is not universal. Not everything in life comes 
down to economics, not everything in life is costed. (Even the credit card 
companies agree on that one.) Some things in life really are free of all 
financial cost. Otherwise, what did we do before money was invented?

It's not rubbish, as I've said opportunity cost is not necessarily
financial but you sacrifice the ability to do something else in that
piece of time.
That is simply not true. I do not sacrifice the ability because the two 
coincide in the same timeframe. I work on the code in my head whilst doing 
other things - very rarely does it occupy my mind to the point that I cannot 
afford to be distracted at all.

Untrue. You are still treating this as a commodity, it's not, it's
I am paying for my time writing this email by not drinking a beer.
Why not have a beer beside the computer?? (I do!)

Anyway, that exchange may exist but it does not have a financial cost - the 
absence of expenditure is not income. You've still got that beer to drink 
later, the choice of not drinking it has not increased or decreased the 
monetary cost of the beer. The act OF drinking it DOES decrease the value of 
the now empty can, but, again, the absence of loss is not gain (you don't get 
an extra can just by delaying the drinking!). Besides, beer is a physical 
object, this whole premise is built on non-physical, abstract, objects like 
speech, code and emotion.

There's a lot of confusion here about terms - use of the words 'paying' and 
'cost' opposed to 'choice' and 'activity'. A choice of activity does not 
necessarily involve any monetary cost.

This is all occurring in my 'off-hours' - relaxation time, time required by my 
human brain to relax and think. No-one can avoid the need for relaxation, it 
just so happens that I relax by programming, amongst other choices - none of 
which cost me any money OR lose the opportunity for pecuniary income. The 
time would have to be given to relaxation anyway or we'd all go insane.

We aren't robots, we need time-off but what we do with that time-off varies. 
No matter what we choose to do during that time, it is not time lost to 
possible income streams because we are humanly incapable of sustaining life 
without relaxation. Relaxation is free of monetary cost (although many choose 
to spend vast sums on relaxation, it is not necessary for relaxation itself) 
and therefore what we choose to do within that time can also be completely 
free of monetary cost.

You have a choice not to spend time in front of your computer typing
that code into it.
And waste all these ideas? What good does that do? There's nothing healthy 
about keeping things bottled in. Expressing the ideas in code is relaxation - 
so I'm relaxing and programming at the same time.

Whichever way you see it, my production of code does not have a financial 
cost. It may rarely exchange one activity for another and more commonly 
continue during another activity, but as neither involve income or 
expenditure, there is no financial cost.

e.g. If I chose to just stroke the cat instead of type code, the act of 
stroking the cat has not cost me any money. Yet whilst stroking the cat I'll 
be thinking and thinking involves code.

Sure, feeding the cat is different but that's dealing with material objects - 
material objects always seem to cost money. Code is not a material object, it 
is not a physical object, it's speech. Talking to the cat, talking to the 
computer, neither costs any money.

You could do something else with that time, the cost 
to you is the other things you could do in that time.
Keeping my sanity?
(Perhaps the NHS should pay me to program so that I don't incur costs for 

The cost to me is nothing because I am incapable of using that time for income 
- I need to relax and cannot earn money 24/7. 


Neil Williams


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