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Re: [LUG] Modem Drivers-Meet

On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 08:22:10PM +0100, Sadie Brinham wrote:

I understand it is a nightmare finding Linux modem drivers.

When I came to Wellington I had to say goodbye to my cable modem and
embrace ADSL. I joined plusnet, on a friend's recommendation, and they
provided the connection and a Binatone ADSL 500 USB modem. The Binatone
website says that a Linux driver is included on the CD. It didn't work
for me and after tweaking it a bit I asked the plusnet forum and learned
that this driver worked for Red Hat 7 and has not worked since, and 
moreover that this fact is well-known in the plusnet community (but not
in the setup guides). The plusnet guru advised me to forget about USB
modems altogether and go for ethernet. So I bought a D-Link ethernet modem
(it has a firewall and does NAT so it's a router really). 

This sort of thing is bound to put people off. I was using Windows at
that time of course, to make any progress at all, with the intention
of moving to the Linux partition as soon as I could. I wondered about
asking plusnet to make the position clear in the beginner's guides --
for Linux get a NIC and ethernet modem, which costs a little bit more
but works -- and that would avoid annoying people like me who feel
they were conned but the best solution is to have drivers for USB

Shall I go and download a job lot of the most common modem
drivers?(Burn onto discs for the meet?)

Sounds good. 

Tony Sumner

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