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Re: [LUG] Another introductionCheers

On Tuesday 28 September 2004 9:34 pm, kong@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi List,

As a fairly long time part time linux user and lurker I thought I'd drop a
line of greetings to all, I'm up for an evening meet in the St Austell
Find us a venue with:
1. lots of power points - at least 4, preferably 8.
2. Beer :-)
3. Food
4. Space
5. out-of-the-way room where we won't disturb anyone else.

We did have a meeting in St. Austell organised by Richard Brown in the pub at 
the end of the High Street (near the church) - it was good for that event but 
I would prefer somewhere with more power points. That meeting was more of a 
presentation than an install fest - we only had maybe 5 computers in all plus 
the projector.

Evening meetings tend to be problem-solving and social rather than 
installations - by the time we all get there from Falmouth, Newquay, Plymouth 
and Tavistock, there's only a few hours to get anything done.

Any chance of a Sunday meet?


Neil Williams


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