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Re: [LUG] Modem Drivers-Meet

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At 20:58 28/09/04, you wrote:
provided people don't listen to the adverts 
and buy a broadband router and not a broadband modem, we'll all be
better  off.

Sorry Neil, bit of a syntax parsing problem here.

So people ignore adverts. Do they then buy a broadband router? or a
broadband modem? 

I do get asked at College and have always given the router as the way
to go.

On a side note, Linux is part of a course I'm helping to deliver and
several students are now dual booting WinXP with MDK10 or Fedora Core
2. One of them dumped his Windows completely and has gone over
completely to FC2 on his laptop. I've given the details of the DCLUG
so there may some *very* raw recruits signing up soon. They have bags
of enthusiasm for most things IT but little experience.


Mike Callaghan
Newquay, Cornwall
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