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Re: [LUG] today's meets and some observations etc.

On Tuesday 28 September 2004 4:40, Jon Lawrence wrote:

I run a car (well 2 but...) if it goes wrong I take it to the garage - I
don't need to know how it works - I simply don't care. Some people are like
that with computers and that's fine, the difference being if my car doesn't
work I never ring the garage up and expect them to fix it for free over the

If car dealerships started telling people....

you don't need a licence to drive this car, even your 5 year old can do it

you don't need to worry about performance, this car is as fast as anything out 

you don't need to know how to fix it because it monitors and repairs itself 
and never goes wrong, and even if it did all you have to do is ring 0898 etc

these cars really are the best cars out there because we really are the 
experts at building and selling cars

you don't need to know anything, our staff are experts, just trust us, and 
sign here

and they ended up with a tenth hand trabant that has just been covered in 
shiny new biodegradeable plastic.....

then things would be different.........


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