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[LUG] Install fests

Looking at recent posts, and the resulting comments following the meeting on Saturday it sounds as if we need to run another install day at some point in the future. I have a few ideas on topics for such a day.

We need to do presentations on how Linux / free software / open source. Is better than windows by looking at examples of where windows falls over. someone here mentions about getting lots of spam advertising medical stuff or something,

Ok why does having windows cause this,? and how does having Linux prevent it, if members of the public were to attend an install / find out about Linux meeting then this is a subject they can relate too. you can also cover about virus attacks here, again something that will appeal to the public, or average user.

on this subject if the problem is with the mail client, suggest and perhaps provide an alternative that prevents this problem, even if this is the windows version if it reduces the spam and educates people then everyone will benefit.

Hopefully by this time you have got their attention, then you can go on to how Linux is used in other areas, such as producing films, (many new blockbusters have been produced using Linux render farms) so again people can relate to that/

then perhaps go on to what home users can do with Linux (games, office apps) and how they can migrate without losing their current data which is perhaps stored in their MS office files). here you can cover WineX / cedega and demonstrate that this does play games very well. For office / business users you can do a very brief intro to samba, so people are then informed there are alternatives. Case studies etc. We have a few on the lug of success stories.

Finally cover software patents and how they affect people, again using examples, most people want to perhaps put their photos on line so you could find something that relates to that, and ask people, at the moment you can do the code, problem and patent free, but what would you do if you had to pay a royalty every time you used a piece of code in your photo album. hopefully get them on our side regarding patents, no matter what software they use.

This type of thing is more in-line with our first meeting, (but probably less technical. ) a few years ago, so at the same time those of us not involved in presentations can perhaps help set up systems, trouble shoot or simply demonstrate our own boxes to people. Now there are lots more of us and we know each other better it should be easier. Hopefully lots more people will attend.

Any ideas, comments,

I think I have covered some good ideas here. As we are also meeting on a more regular basis we can perhaps run follow up meetings. Hopefully also any such meeting will change peoples view of Linux users, and demonstrate we are not geeks or even follow the geek stereotypes.


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