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Re: [LUG] today's meets and some observations etc.

On Sunday 26 September 2004 20:07, john wrote:

On Sunday 26 September 2004 3:36 pm, DaveNull wrote:
Neil was apparently under the impression that the things discussed on
saturday would be over the head of windows users

Misquote. It was not designed with those users in mind - whether or not
they could understand it, it was not a meeting designed to meet their
needs. If they did, fine.

not really, irrespective of the purpose of the meet, you did clearly enough
state that you thought it would be over windows users heads.

I must say that I'm a bit confused on where you're going with this John.
I wasn't there at the meeting so I don't know the content that was discussed.
The company I work for has the pleasure of interacting with quite a few 
'users' of windows, most 'users' are exactly that - *users*. They have 
absolutely *zero* understanding of how a computer works - let alone how 
software interacts with that hardware to give them what they see on their 
screens. So from that you can deduce that *most* computer related topics 
would be over the head of *most* users - and since were talking about *most* 
users that can be inferred to be windows users - unless you don't assume any 
prior knowledge and explain things from scratch.
Obviously there are some users out there that would understand exactly what 
you'd be talking about - but they would not be 'normal' users/people.

If the meeting was targetted as a 'Masterclass' (whether it actually was or 
not) then I'd expect it to be over the heads of *most* users.


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