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Re: [LUG] today's meets and some observations etc.

I'm not going to bother quoting here, as it would be hard to keep it in context.

Firstly, for what its worth, I enjoyed today - I felt we had a decent setup to begin with, and got a lot of things done.

I don't have a problem with swearing on list -- I personally feel people should be allowed to express themselves, providing they're not comments that are directly aimed at others.

My feelings of today were always that it would be people who were interested in, or using Debian, getting together and talking about and evangelising Debian. Let's just be clear about what Debian is.

"Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run. Debian uses the Linux kernel (the core of an operating system), but most of the basic OS tools come from the GNU project; hence the name GNU/Linux."

Debian makes it's intentions clear with that first paragraph from its website. It's not attempting to be "UserLinux" or "Linspire" or "Microsoft Windows Replacement" or "Mac OS X that's free" -- it's the GNU operating system, and the Linux kernel. Unlike most[1] other distros, it makes itself perfectly clear. It doesn't try and confuse the issue, by referring to "Linux" only, nor does it try to hide away from what GNU is, or where its philosophies lie. It's clearly, a free software operating system.

I like Debian. For me, Debian makes me feel warm and fuzzy, because I am someone who outside of computing, makes media stuff. My little would-be-dotcom-organisation, plods along happily doing what its always done, which is to make media for the web, TV and radio. However, at the moment, I work as a developer... for me, software freedom is important, and Debian offers me that in a way that nothing else does. It's far from perfect, and I find myself finding things wrong with it quite often, but it's the best we've got, I believe.

Today was about enlightenment for a lot of people, I believe. It wasn't about trying to convert people who use Windows or proprietary software to use Debian, it was more about showing what Debian is about, and what can be achieved with free software. GNU/Linux or GNU/Hurd, it doesn't matter, the goal is still the same.

I enjoyed Kai's talk on web applications, I just wish we could have convinced more people that free software is the way to go.

I think we should put materials on the site to help people understand why GNU/Linux is good for them. We need to preset freedom in a way that's clear, and we need to understand that what we need to succeed.


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